Having a blog for your <a href="http://www.bing.com/search?q=home based business opportunity" title="bing for home based business opportunity” target=”_blank”>home based business opportunity will give you more credentials than you can imagine. Blogs are deemed as more credible because your visitors are less likely to have their guards up.
Since people are taking the time to read your blog you want to make sure you have certain metrics in place that won’t change. These metrics are an about me page, contact me, and resources.<br />
About Me: Most bloggers get this wrong. This is not the point where you go off course and talk about everything under the sun. Keep in mind that you want to establish yourself as an authoritative figure and one that is relateable. Here is a simple formula that you can follow.
1. Give a bold opening statement about yourself and what you created or mastered.
2. Then go into your background a little bit. You want to draw the reader in so they know you are human.
3. Talk about your struggles in your business opportunity
4. Now let them know how it all changed
5. Give a powerful call to action
Another strategy that you can use is creating a Squidoo lens about yourself. Then at the bottom of this section on your blog paste the link to your lens. Let them know if they want to know more about you they can visit your lens.
Contact Me: This is important because you want to show that you have structure in place. If someone wants to work with you or conversate with you, it gives the perception that you are in control of your time. Not your prospect. The moment you let your prospect control your time is the moment they gain power. Never lose power. You want to control the whole flow of your business as much as possible.
Resources: A lot of bloggers miss tons of money right here. As you are showing to your prospects that you know what you are talking about you can recommend more valuable resources to them. This is where you want to put your affiliate links or banners to products that have changed your life. You can make money and provide value at the same time. It is a win win situation.
The next article will be the consumation of this whole series on blogging your way to success in your home based business opportunity.